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Coming Soon! Rats and Informers of Sao Bras de Alportel!

Diposting di forum Algarve

Soon...veerry soooon!

Update: Now it is the rats turn to be watched........ hope you enjoyed your coffee!!!

  • jack garcia

    diposting oleh  di forum Algarve 

    Garth, I can honestly say that I cannot confirm the existence of a paedophile ring in Sao Bras or deny it. Obviously, any information concerning such activities should be reported to the correct authorities. Also, I believe any information concerning paedophile rings should not be posted on the web lest it interfere with any investigations authorities are making.

    I'm sure, Garth, you understand the meaning of my words......

  • Jack Rules

    diposting oleh  di forum Algarve 

    Jack. I was speaking to my brother in law about this and he says that it may be something to do with a pedofile ring down there. He reckons that what they do is try to cover up their actions by latching on to anything to make sure that people see them as moral people. In your opinion Jack do you think theres a pedofile ring in Sao Bras? I KNOW what I think!!!

  • Pergi ke profil joey brenner

    diposting oleh  di forum Algarve 

    Or as we down here in Sao Bras like to call her- 'HEEL'. This salacious, slobberer of filth has been at it for years, bro! Her tongue flaps like a rusty, old barn door in the wind! Someone should bring a hammer and nail it shut and give us all some peace! There's a little group of them who gather in cafes and have nothing better to do than criticise other members of the community - she, tho, herself, being the biggest- and bulbous- blowhard!

    While most of us are 'guests' in Portugal, this one is nothing more than an immigrant. As guests, we should bring to this country the finer qualities of our culture- and our manners. This horrendous individual brings only a collection of perverse morals and a ubiquitous flowing of garbage drenched tongue wagging!

    Perhaps it is time for her to slither back into the slurry of slime from which she was spewed!

  • Jack Rules

    diposting oleh  di forum Algarve 

    In reply to the allegation of an official meeting. October 2011, instructions were given to deprive a father and his child of food. Two excuses were given. 1). We do not have any food , this month. 2). We have to give food to the people who need it.

    The father and child were being given assistance as they had no food but on the instructions of an official they were deliberately deprived.

  • Pergi ke profil clive cuttlebeam

    diposting oleh  di forum Algarve 

    Yes indeedy do: REMOVE THE PRESIDENT! I live in this community and this whiny, weasel-eyed, dung-doused deliverer of detritus is about as much use as a chocolate teapot! A man of no mean stature- in fact, no stature at all, has all the qualities of a whisky-soaked whelk! His minions have brought nothing but shame to the community! He's about as straight as a three dollar bill! Somebody, PLEASE REMOVE HIM ! He's a pain to my eyes every time I see him slide through his sewer pipe! Fortunately, there is some hope as he has now caught the attention of decent and responsible Portuguese, true, figures of authority!

  • jack garcia

    diposting oleh  di forum Algarve 

    Thank you, Margarida! Yes, they were nasty little remarks made about that young girl. Of course, it truly does reflect just what is in the minds of those who make the remarks. Quite obviously, they have exposed themselves- and, probably participated in certain abnormal activities related to children!

  • jack garcia

    diposting oleh  di forum Algarve 

    Ah, yes! That is a name, I beleve, which is familiar to many people!

  • Pergi ke profil tomas guerreiro

    diposting oleh  di forum Algarve 

    Jackeline Hill. That is the religious leader, Exercito de Savacao . False evidence to the Faro Court about the jovem in Sao Bras de Alportel.

  • Pergi ke profil Margarida Moreira

    diposting oleh  di forum Algarve 

    Near the end of 2011, filthy, malicious remarks were spread by several morally depraved immigrant residents about a decent, refined girl living in the community. One in particular, a low-level member of a religious organization who wagged her tongue like a rabid dog on heat! Herself, with less moral integrety than a five dollar hooker! In my opinion, these disgusting sewer-dwellers, entertain some decidedly suspicious thoughts about young teenage girls and should be named and shamed! There's about 15 rats in this community - and not all are immigrants! I, for one, will NEVER take my kids back there! Oh, yeah. You might want to check out with your contacts about what was said in an official meeting in 2011 and what people were told to do - especially camara workers. Also, you might want to check out the Topazo Azul cafe in Vilarinhos!

  • Pergi ke profil tomas guerreiro

    diposting oleh  di forum Algarve 

    To improve the justice in the Sao Bras, we must remove the president of the junta, David Goncalves, and those who follow his instructions.

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