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Looking for an apartment in Verona

Diposting di forum Verona

Hi everyone! My husband and I are moving to Italy from Canada this summer. We are both teachers and are coming to Italy for a job contract. We are looking for an apartment in Verona City starting August (flexible dates). If any of you know someone who could help us out with finding an apartment, please send me a message! Thanks so much!

Pergi ke profil Pengguna yang sudah dihapus

  • Pergi ke profil john fernando

    diposting oleh  di forum Verona 

    its not a greate problem in verona, if u can stay two tree days in hotel, house agencies r evrywhere.
    its about 350 to 700 euro per month. tell me where r u going to teach, name of school ,street name. so i can look around,


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