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Life in Rotterdam in the1960's

Publié dans forum Pays-Bas

Hi all, I'm new here and I am currently writing a book about my travels. There are certain things about my time living in Rotterdam in the late 1960's that I don't understand. I had travelled to Rotterdam because I had been writing to the son and we had discussed getting engaged, although we hadn't met until I arrived. was living with his family and was often finding myself in trouble with them for things I did wrong. These included wearing jeans in public to attend soccer practice (women in Rotterdam only wear jeans for housework or garden!), drinking too much tea (I was having 2 or 3 cups a day and the mother - who was born in England - complained that perhaps it was my way of saying she wasn't feeding me enough), eating in the street (a chocolate I bought in a shop which I ate while walking), and ordering white tea in a cafe (you don't ask for milk in your tea in cafes here!). I was eventually asked to leave by the mother of the family, because according to her, I just refused to fit in. Now, 50 years later as I write this book, I wonder if it was only the family's rules, or perhaps they were afraid I would steal their son away, but I don't want to be unfair in my re-telling of the story. Were these actually rules in Holland at that time? The final straw was when my 'fiance' drove me to Scheveningen beach and we were sitting in the car talking when a policeman knocked on the window and told him to "move on". He apologized to the policeman and explained to me that it wasn't permitted to stay sitting in your car! Can anyone please throw any light on these rules? I would really appreciate any help in this matter.

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